2024/06/25 Press Release:

Julian Assange’s Freedom: Another Victory in the Global Fight for Press Freedom!

The Federation of Media Employees’ Unions considers the release of journalist Julian Assange, who was effectively detained for 14 years, and his opportunity to return to his home country to live a normal life, another decisive victory in the global fight for media freedom.

The Executive Council of the International Federation of Journalists met in London last week and discussed the case of journalist Julian Assange. The Federation points out that by removing 17 of the 18 charges against Julian Assange, the American government has avoided setting a precedent that could have established journalism as a criminal offense.

IFJ President Dominique Pradalié said: “Julian Assange is free. Victory for the right to inform and to be informed. Victory for journalists around the world.”

IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said “The attempted prosecution of Julian Assange cast a dark shadow over journalists, particularly those who cover national security issues. Had Assange gone to prison for the rest of his life, any reporter handed a classified document would fear facing a similar fate.”

In 2010, WikiLeaks revealed evidence of war crimes committed by the US military in Iraq. Since then, it has worked to disclose sensitive information related to various events, including the war in Afghanistan. The struggle for press freedom regarding Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for more than a decade demonstrates the risks faced by journalists. The Federation of Media Employees’ Unions strongly emphasizes the need for journalists worldwide to organize collectively to protect their rights and win such battles.

Dharmasiri Lankape                                  Tharindu Uduwaragedara

General Secretary                                                  National Organizer

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