After six weeks of war in Gaza, the situation is becoming catastrophic for Palestinian civilians, including journalists and media workers. As of November 17, at least 35 Palestinian journalists and media workers have been killed since the war started.

Today, the president of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) Nasser Abu Baker has launched an emotional appeal to help journalists and media workers in Gaza. Watch the video:

The PJS president encourages all who want to help Gaza’s journalists and media workers to continue their work to contribute to the IFJ International Safety Fund, which will pass donations directly to the PJS to fund further aid. Working through affiliates, the IFJ is the only international body that provides aid through journalists’ own organisations.

Palestinian journalists need our help more than ever, and this is only possible with your support and solidarity. We appreciate your solidarity in these difficult times.

We encourage you to share the appeal (Nasser’s videoIFJ statementIFJ blog post) on your social media and with your own members. Every contribution and show of solidarity will be greatly appreciated.

IFJ team