The Judicial Kidnapping of Julian Assange

“Let us look at ourselves, if we have the courage, to see what is happening to us” – Jean-Paul Sartre

Sartre’s words should echo in all our minds following the grotesque decision of Britain’s High Court to extradite Julian Assange to the United States where he faces “a living death”. This is his punishment for the crime of authentic, accurate, courageous, vital journalism.

Miscarriage of justice is an inadequate term in these circumstances. It took the bewigged courtiers of Britain’s ancien regime just nine minutes last Friday to uphold an American appeal against a District Court judge’s acceptance in January of a cataract of evidence that hell on earth awaited Assange across the Atlantic: a hell in which, it was expertly predicted, he would find a way to take his own life.

Volumes of a witness by people of distinction, who examined and studied Julian and diagnosed his autism and his Asperger’s Syndrome and revealed that he had already come within an ace of killing himself at Belmarsh prison, Britain’s very own hell, were ignored.

The recent confession of a crucial FBI informant and prosecution stooge, a fraudster and serial liar, that he had fabricated his evidence against Julian was ignored. The revelation that the Spanish-run security firm at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where Julian had been granted political refuge, was a CIA front that spied on Julian’s lawyers and doctors and confidants (myself included) – that, too. was ignored.

The recent journalistic disclosure, repeated graphically by defense counsel before the High Court in October, that the CIA had planned to murder Julian in London – even that was ignored.

Each of these “matters”, as lawyers like to say, was enough on its own for a judge upholding the law to throw out the disgraceful case mounted against Assange by a corrupt US Department of Justice and their hired guns in Britain. Julian’s state of mind, bellowed James Lewis, QC, America’s man at the Old Bailey last year, was no more than “malingering” – an archaic Victorian term used to deny the very existence of mental illness.

To Lewis, almost every defense witness, including those who described from the depth of their experience and knowledge, the barbaric American prison system, was to be interrupted, abused, discredited.  Sitting behind him, passing him notes, was his American conductor: young, short-haired, clearly an Ivy League man on the rise.

In their nine minutes of dismissal of the fate of journalist Assange, two of the most senior judges in Britain, including the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Burnett (a lifelong buddy of Sir Alan Duncan, Boris Johnson’s former foreign minister who arranged the brutal police kidnapping of Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy) referred to not one of a litany of truths aired at previous hearings in the District Court – truths that had struggled to be heard in a lower court presided over by a weirdly hostile judge, Vanessa Baraitser. Her insulting behavior towards a clearly stricken Assange, struggling through a fog of prison-dispensed medication to remember his name, is unforgettable.

What was truly shocking last Friday was that the High Court judges – Lord Burnett and Lord Justice Timothy Holyrode, who read out their words – showed no hesitation in sending Julian to his death, living or otherwise. They offered no mitigation, no suggestion that they had agonized over legalities or even basic morality.

Their ruling in favor, if not on behalf of the United States, is based squarely on transparently fraudulent “assurances” scrabbled together by the Biden administration when it looked in January like justice might prevail.

These “assurances” are that once in American custody, Assange will not be subject to the Orwellian SAMS – Special Administrative Measures — which would make him an un-person; that he will not be imprisoned at ADX Florence, a prison in Colorado long condemned by jurists and human rights groups as illegal: “a pit of punishment and disappearance”; that he can be transferred to an Australian prison to finish his sentence there.

The absurdity lies in what the judges omitted to say. In offering its “assurances”, the US reserves the right not to guarantee anything should Assange do something that displeases his jailers. In other words, as Amnesty has pointed out, it reserves the right to break any promise.

There are abundant examples of the US doing just that. As investigative journalist Richard Medhurst revealed last month, David Mendoza Herrarte was extradited from Spain to the US on the “promise” that he would serve his sentence in Spain. The Spanish courts regarded this as a binding condition.

 “Classified documents reveal the diplomatic assurances given by the US Embassy in Madrid and how the US violated the conditions of the extradition “, wrote Medhurst, “Mendoza spent six years in the US trying to return to Spain. Court documents show the United States denied his transfer application multiple times.”

The High Court judges – who were aware of the Mendoza case and of Washington’s habitual duplicity — describe the “assurances” not to be beastly to Julian Assange as a “solemn undertaking offered by one government to another”. This article would stretch into infinity if I listed the times the rapacious United States has broken “solemn undertakings” to governments, such as treaties that are summarily torn up and civil wars that are fuelled. It is the way Washington has ruled the world, and before it Britain: the way of imperial power, as history teaches us.

It is this institutional lying and duplicity that Julian Assange brought into the open and in so doing performed perhaps the greatest public service of any journalist in modern times.

Julian himself has been a prisoner of lying governments for more than a decade now. During these long years, I have sat in many courts as the United States has sought to manipulate the law to silence him and WikiLeaks.

This reached a bizarre moment when, in the tiny Ecuadorian embassy, he and I were forced to flatten ourselves against a wall, each with a notepad in which we conversed, taking care to shield what we had written to each other from the ubiquitous spy cameras – installed, as we now know, by a proxy of the CIA, the world’s most enduring criminal organization.

This brings me to the quotation at the top of this article: “Let us look at ourselves, if we have the courage, to see what is happening.”

Jean-Paul Sartre wrote this in his preface to Franz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth, the classic study of how colonized and seduced and coerced and, yes, craven peoples do the bidding of the powerful.

Who among us is prepared to stand up rather than remain mere bystanders to an epic travesty such as the judicial kidnapping of Julian Assange? What is at stake is both a courageous man’s life and, if we remain silent, the conquest of our intellects and sense of right and wrong: indeed our very humanity.

By John Pilger

Author Bio: John Pilger is an award-winning journalist, filmmaker, and author. Read his full biography on his website here, and follow him on Twitter: @JohnPilger.  This article is distributed in partnership with Globetrotter.

Proposals for an independent media regulatory mechanism to establish a Public Service Journalism tradition

There has been a discussion again about the reforms that should change government thinks should take in the media industry.

Dallas Alahapperuma, Minister of Mass Media and Information was sent with a series of proposals by the Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions on the reforms that need to take place in the media industry in Sri Lanka.

The full of the letter that letter is as follows.

November 25, 2022

Hon. Minister,

Dullas Alahapperuma Esq.

Dear Media Minister.

Proposals for an independent media regulatory mechanism to establish a Public Service Journalism tradition

The behavior of Public and Private Media

We are pleased to observe the coming to the surface of a new discourse on the behavior of public and private media in Sri Lanka and growing concerns about media regulatory mechanisms.

It is no secret that media organizations in Sri Lanka have been campaigning for the establishment of an independent media regulatory mechanism for more than two decades. The Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions (FMETU) stands for the need for an independent body to regulate the media, both public and privately-owned, in Sri Lanka and social media behavior and activism in the current context for the betterment of the use of media culture.

We strongly believe that as the first step in realizing the objective of such a public-friendly media culture ensuring the functioning of free and fair media behavior it is mandatory for the government to free its hold on media institutions controlled by the state. We hope that the present Government will be able to contribute to this end by converting all state media institutions into Public Service Journalism.

There are eight leading international media standards on the use of “public service journalism” for the public as follows:

  1. Democracy and pluralism tolerate other ideas.
  2. Reports by collecting many sources in a reasonable, correct, and balanced way.
  3. Fulfill the requirements of citizen information.
  4. Helps the public for a better living by making them understand the differences and by being sensitive about the world.
  5. Listens to the voice of the majority of the people. Acts immensely to fulfill the requirements of the public.
  6. Refer and focus the society for a meaningful dialog.
  7. Wins and achieves the confidence of the reader.
  8. Gives priority to issues and problems that are important to the citizens.

The government of former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, who came to power in 1994, there had been an effort to reform the state-controlled media by appointing several committees including the RKW Gunasekera Committee and the Sidath Sri Nandalochana Committee, but there is at least no report of publishing of the recommendations of those committees.

We strongly believe that the existence of an independent, balanced and impartial media is essential for the democratic existence and good governance of a country. To this end, the reform of state media institutions is an essential task in ensuring media freedom in Sri Lanka.

Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited (Lake House)

Our Federation proposes the immediate conversion of the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd. (Lake House) Ltd. into a Public Service Media Institution on a priority basis as per the Special Provisions Act of 1973 and recommendations of the Sidath Sri Nandalochana Committee appointed by the Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga Government in 1994 or by a new committee for that purpose.

None of the governments for the last five decades took action to implement the laws and provisions of the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited Special Provisions Law No. 28 of 1973. We like to mention as per the recording purposes that following the inordinate delay under the guidance of the FMETU the Lake House Employees’ Union filed a Fundamental Rights petition before the Supreme Court in 2007 demanding that the provisions of the aforementioned act be implemented by the then Chief Justice Sarath N Silva decided to set aside the petition without giving reasons.

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation

Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation

Independent Television Network

We propose to take necessary steps to establish an Independent Public Service Radio and Television Commission and place under its purview the aforementioned three institutes. In this regard, we propose that the recommendations of the 1994 RKW Gunasekera Committee for media reforms be taken into consideration.

It should be considered that the frequencies used for broadcasting state television and radio channels are public property.

Private print and electronic media

There is no possibility of regulating privately-owned print and electronic media. Although there is an existing understanding between the Newspaper Society of Sri Lanka and the Editors’ Guild of Sri Lanka on certain ethics and regulations that is not a strong enough solution for the situations prevailing.

It is clearly discernible that the issuance of TV and radio frequencies which are the public property by the successive governments to private entrepreneurs had been done on the basis of personal and political relationships. Therefore there is no institute that is responsible for the conduct of those TV and radio channels. As a result of the owners of those TV and radio channels gives callous disregard to the fact that the frequencies that they use are public property and implement their own political and personal media agendas.

Our Federation request that the following factors be taken into consideration to rectify the situations mentioned in the preceding paragraphs and to bring about an exemplary media reform process:

Abolition of the Sri Lanka Press Council and establishment of an Independent Regulatory Commission

The then United National Party government inactivated the Sri Lanka Press Council in 2002 with the intention of abolishing it. The previous government of President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe took steps to reactivate it despite there being continuous agitations by the media fraternity and civil organizations to abolish the Sri Lanka Press Council.

We propose that the incumbent Government should co-operate in strengthening the objectives established by the Sri Lanka Press Complaints Commission and that the Sri Lanka Press Council be abolished.

The guidelines and recommendations made over the past two decades, especially by media organizations and other civil society organizations, for self-regulation should be taken into consideration. We propose that attention should be paid to the Colombo Declaration and the Tholangamuwa Declaration.

The Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions (FMETU) propose that the government should facilitate the initiating of an open discussion on the professional protection and safety of journalists and the formulation of a procedure for media self-regulation, with the support of media organizations and interested civil society organizations and international media organizations.

Doing justice to the victims

In a discourse to ensure free and fair media culture, it is inevitable to circumvent the need for justice be done with regard to journalists who had been subject to suppression, torture and assault, abduction and finally assassinations and those who had to flee the country to save their lives owing to the media environment that prevailed in this country for over a decade and a half. In the same manner, justice must also be done for the media institutions subject to suppression.

Our Federation believes that in the field of media freedom and sustainable media reform, it is important to punish perpetrators and make new recommendations to prevent such incidents, and to propose a procedure for this would play a major role in this process.

Rights of mainstream and provincial professional journalists

Journalists also need to be aware of the barriers and limits to their right to organize. It is important to pay more attention to media institutions, especially in the private sector. It is hoped that the organization of journalists will also contribute to the advancement of the media industry and that the media owners will be able to collectively face the challenges of the industry.

Provincial Journalists who play a leading role in the field of print and electronic media do not enjoy e same benefits and have the same rights compared to their counterparts working for the media organisations for a monthly salary. They are not at least entitled to the membership of the Employees Provident Fund or Employees Trust Fund.

It is a priority that actions be taken immediately to recognize the services of the provincial journalists with a proper letter of appointment, an appropriate pay scale, and steps to transform them into qualified professionals for building a strong free media industry.

In this regard, former President Maithripala Sirisena in 2018 appointed a committee comprising the then Director-General of Information, Secretary to the Ministry of Finance and

Commissioner General of Labour and it was reported that the report of that committee was handed over to the Secretary to the Ministry of Mass Media of the then government. We emphasize the need to pay attention to the issues of provincial journalists as one of the main issues prevailing in the media industry.

The present Hon Minister of Labor, Nimal Siripala de Silva, It is hereby stated that at the request of our Federation, preparing to necessary legal provisions to include the profession of provincial journalists to the Wage Board of the Newspaper Industry.

We would also like to point out the steps are being taken to rename the ‘Journalists Wages Board’, which includes e-journalists and social media professionals.

Cord of Conduct of ethics for professional journalists?

The need for a strong code of ethics for journalists is paramount in the discussion of a strong and free media industry. Although there exists a Code of Ethics for Journalists introduced by the Editors’ Guild of Sri Lanka and several media organizations, it is a pity to note that even the founders of that Code do not respect those ethics or use them in their practice.

We suggest that attention should be paid to bring about a strong Code of Ethics for journalists covering print, electronic and social media, and that Code should be prepared in line with international standards and instances.

The Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions comprising the members of the Lake House Employees’ Union, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Journalists union, District Journalists Trade Unions, and other state media trade unions, works for the objective of attaining media freedom and ensuring the rights of journalists and media workers.

Our Federation is a full member of the International Federation of Journalists, which has more than 600,000 members in 170 countries around the world.

Although we hereby present a set of proposals, we also work jointly in unison with Sri Lankan Press Institute, Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association, Free Media Movement, the Editors’ Guild of Sri Lanka, Newspaper Society of Sri Lanka, and other media organizations for the purpose of establishing a self-regulatory mechanism for the media industry in this country.

We hereby inform that this letter, owing to its importance, will be copied to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the media organizations as well as for the attention of the Hon. Minister of Mass Media and Information.

Thanking You, Trustworthy,

Indunil Usgodaarachchi, President,   077 065 8285,                                                                        

Dharmasiri Lankapeli, General Secretary,  077 364 1111                          

Condemning the brutal attack on journalist Vishwalingam Vishwachandran!

On the morning of November 28, 2021, journalist Vishwalingam Vishwachandran was subject to a brutal attack in Mullaitivu while engaging in media reporting. The barbaric attack was carried out with a palm stick wrapped in barbed wire while the victim was taking photographs of the Mullivaikkala name board. Eyewitnesses said that the attack was carried out by a group of army soldiers who were stationed at the scene. It is reported that journalist Vishwalingam Vishwachandran, who is also the treasurer of the Mullaitivu Media Club, has been admitted to the Mullaitivu District Hospital with serious injuries and is receiving treatment.

Mullaitivu journalists have lodged a complaint with the Mullaitivu Police with photographic evidence of the attackers. When inquired about this, the Mullaitivu Police Headquarters Inspector said that investigations have been initiated into the incident. He further said that steps will be taken to send the relevant details of the attack to the Police Media Spokesman and further details should be sought from the Police Media Spokesman. Journalists in the North and East, in particular, have been subjected to constant harassment and it is unfortunate that they have not been brought to the attention of government officials, including the IGP, from time to time.

The Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions (FMETU), a member organization of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), strongly condemns the brutal attack on journalist Vishwalingam Vishwachandran. We consider this attack as an attack on the right of all journalists to report freely. We urge all government officials, including the IGP, to bring those responsible for the attack under the law immediately and to take all possible measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

How can ILO C190 impact the life of a woman journalist?

Violence and harassment against women journalists can occur everywhere: in newsrooms, in relation to their sources, at home, on the way home, online. Violence and harassment have devastating implications for the targeted journalist as her well-being, her work, her private life and eventually press freedom are affected.


To mark 25 NovemberThe International day for the elimination of violence against women and girls, the IFJ is calling on all its unions to campaign for the full ratification by their government of ILO Convention 190. Read the testimonies of IFJ Gender Council members in CanadaCyprusPeru and Portugal on why ratification of the Convention is key for women journalists.


The International Labour Organization (ILO) passed on 10 June 2019 a new Convention – ILO C190 to end violence and harassment in the world of work, as well as a recommendation, 206.


We need this convention and its recommendation to be ratified by governments across the world. 


Why? Because it can change journalists’ and citizens’ lives by outlawing harassment and violence in the world of work and turn workplaces into violence-free zones.


Journalism can be a dangerous profession. In order to cover breaking stories, journalists put themselves in contexts of war, conflict and natural disasters. In order to report on corruption, human rights abuses and political chicanery, journalists often incur the wrath of the most powerful in society.


Women journalists who find themselves in such situations are often the specific focus of violenceAccording to IFJ statistics, almost 65% of women media workers have experienced intimidation, threats or abuse in relation to their work. This is a threat to freedom of expression and media freedom.


Abuse can come from all directions: a senior-editor who uses his position to intimidate a young female journalist; a female reporter reporting outside being groped or receiving sexist comments or being physically assaulted by her interviewee or bystanders.


ILO C190 can bring about change. It changes female journalists’ lives by outlawing violence in the world of work and making it a health and safety issue media employers have to respond to.


Today, ask your government to ratify the convention and make a change in your newsroom.


Click here to learn 5 things you need to know about C190 & what you can do already to start changing lives!


Download the Global unions toolkit on C190: the Activity Workbook and the Facilitator guide (2021)


How can ILO C190 impact the life of a woman journalist?

” Journalism is public service! wake up! stand up! protect the media industry!” – FMETU 8th Delegates Conference:

” Journalism is a Public Service!  Wake up!  stand up!  Protect the media Industry!” – FMETU 8th Delegates Conference:

The Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions, FMETU held its 8th delegates’ convention online on October 30. The programme was supported by the International Federation of Journalists, IFJ, through the “IFJ-Union to Union, 2021 programme”.

The FMETU convention theme this year was, “Journalism is a Public Service!  Wake up!  Stand up!  protect the Media Industry!”.

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